Char Pelfrey
Member Spotlight

Diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer in 2016, AIM Director Char Pelfrey found herself in a long, uphill climb to reclaim her health. She followed medical protocols through to completion, including multiple surgeries.

“My stamina was gone,” Char related, “and even as I recovered from the operations, I still had no energy.” Crossing paths with AIM Star Sapphire Director Cindy Ponchot-Watson, Char adopted a primarily plant-based diet, incorporating a variety of AIM products including the Garden Trio and CoCoa LeafGreens. What followed is truly inspiring.

In the summers of 2020 and 2021, Char and her husband, Jerry, traveled west to hike over 200 miles in the mountains of the Pacific Northwest and Utah. “There we were, hiking ‘mountain’ miles daily instead of walking ‘mall’ miles,” Char exclaimed. “Peak Endurance mixed with RediBeets helped increase our energy levels. The next morning I’d wake up and feel as good as I did the day before.”

The perspective that Char has on life as a result of her own health crisis is one of immense gratitude. “I’m so thankful for every new day that I’m blessed to have with Jerry, our children and grandchildren,” stated Char. “It’s so incredible to me that my strength returned and I can do things that would have been too strenuous just a few years ago. People need to be encouraged: you can reclaim your health.”

"We get one shot at the life God has given us. Why would we do anything less than respect that gift by providing our bodies with the nutrition and exercise that we know sustain us?"

Photo of AIM Member Char Pelfrey holding AIM Peak Endurance product with mountains in the background

Char's Favorite Products

Garden Trio
Whole-food Nutrition

CoCoa LeafGreens
Greens, Protein, Fiber

Peak Endurance
Natural Energy Replacement